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Log into your customer account online (ensure your online shopping email matches your email in the Lynked app) Collect 1 point for every €/£/$ you spend online. Your earned points & vouchers will be added to your Lynked app.

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Collect points by spending in store or online(€/£/$1 = 1 point). When you reach a points target you will receive a reward. E.g. “Collect 100 points and get €10 off your next purchase”.
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  1. Download Lynked Loyalty for iOS/Android.
  2. Create an account on the Lynked app with the same email used when shopping online.
  3. Log into your online shopping Lynked account.
  4. Ensure your online shopping email matches your Lynked iOS/Android app email. This is to ensure your online and instore loyalty profiles are connected.
  5. Now you can track & collect points online & in store.
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E-liquids Devices Disposables Nicotine Pouches Accessories

Meet Emma

Meet Emma Why Vaping Matters Meet Emma Why Vaping Matters Meet Emma Why Vaping Matters Meet Emma Why Vaping Matters Meet Emma Why Vaping Matters Meet Emma Why Vaping Matters Meet Emma Why Vaping Matters Meet Emma Why Vaping Matters Meet Emma Why Vaping Matters Meet Emma Why Vaping Matters Meet Emma Why Vaping Matters Meet Emma Why Vaping Matters

Why Vaping Matters: Emma’s Story

Meet Emma, former Website Development Manager at Ziggicig, for this coding week special. Today, she shares with us 3 reasons why she switched to vaping 6 years ago!

Health Reason

Emma decided to switch because she's asthmatic and finds cigarettes took a toll on her lungs. Since switching, she felt remarkably better, healthier and can breathe more easily.

Vaping is up to 95% less harmful than smoking. By lighting up a cigarette, you're inhaling over 7000 dangerous toxins into your body. Vaping only delivers nicotine by heating e-liquid in a much less harmful manner.
If you don't smoke, don't start. Vape only to quit smoking.

Emma's advice is to "stick with it (vaping)". The hit is different from conventional smoking and will take some time to get used to, but it will get easier.

Financial Reason

Emma spends an average of £40 a month on vaping. She will be saving about £4,265 this year for her holiday to Croatia - Ta-da! That says it all! In comparison, a conventional smoker spends an estimated £395 a month.


"Smoking stinks" that's one of the first things she said when I spoke to her about switching. Of course, the smell comes from lighting up your cigarette, which you won't get from vaping.

Emma's Vaping Choice

VooPoo Drag X

Her favourite device thus far! A widely customisable wattage range with long battery life. It offers her convenience with unbreakable plastic pods. What else can you ask for?

Ohm Brew Flavour Lab

As a holiday enthusiast, she enjoys tropical fruity flavours that will transport her to her favourite holiday destination.

At Ziggicig, we are here to aid you in getting started with your vaping journey. Feel free to contact us if you need help choosing your device, e-liquid and/or nicotine strength.
Meet Emma Why Vaping Matters Meet Emma Why Vaping Matters Meet Emma Why Vaping Matters Meet Emma Why Vaping Matters Meet Emma Why Vaping Matters Meet Emma Why Vaping Matters Meet Emma Why Vaping Matters Meet Emma Why Vaping Matters Meet Emma Why Vaping Matters Meet Emma Why Vaping Matters Meet Emma Why Vaping Matters Meet Emma Why Vaping Matters
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